Friday, 23 November 2012

Prague's persistent preposition problems!

This sign is in every tram in Prague!
The wrong preposition is being used here. But what should it be?
There are also a couple of other changes I would make to the sign. What do you think?


First aid kit in drivers cab

The preposition should be in.
The definite article is not necessary here. Placed is the wrong verb. Cab is used rather than cabin.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Comments enabled

Anyone can now make comments about the post on this site. I'm sorry. I didn't realise that this function was not active.
So, please leave your comments about the bad signs below!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

What are they trying to say?

A really bad translation here. But what did they mean to say?!



''Proof of transaction issued on request'' is the closest literal translation, but it is very formal. Less formal would be: ''Receipt available on request''.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Preposition problem

Here is a sign I saw today in a well known cafe chain in Prague.
A classic problem with using the wrong translation of a preposition.
But what should is be?! Add your comment below please.

Answer below!


Yes, it should be ''Water for your coffee''.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

No way!

Another bad translation. What did they mean? (The original is in Czech.)

Answer below


Of course what they really mean is ''No entrance''

What should passengers do?!

Here is a very bad translation from a tram in Olomouc.
What did they mean to say?! Put your answer in the comments please.

Answer below


The simplest solution would be:
''Passengers must stamp their ticket when they board the tram''

Monday, 5 November 2012

What do they mean?!

Oh dear! This is just all wrong!
What were they trying to say? Please put your answer in the comments section below.

Answer below.


Actually, there is probably more than one way of saying whatever it is they meant!
''Free wine with dinner''
''Wine free with dinner''

Whatever it is, 'with' is needed. And there is no article ('the') with dinner.

Another spelling mistake

There is a common mistake on this sign. Which two words are being confused here?
Please let me know what you think in the comments section below.

Answer below.


I have seen this mistake many times.
The problem is the word 'caffe'. This is the Italian word for coffee. 'Cafe' is the French word for it, but it is used in English to mean a place which serves the drink (i.e. a coffee shop). So, you can go to a cafe and have a coffee.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with using the Italian word, but the other two words on this sign are clearly in English!

Bad sign number one

Can you see the crazy spelling mistake in this sign?!
Please use the comments section below to tell me what the mistake is!

Answer below!


It should be dessert, not desert! A desert is full of sand, a dessert is full of sugar!!

Desert: an area, often covered with sand or rocks, where there is very little rain and not many plants
Dessert: sweet food eaten at the end of a meal

Definitions from Cambridge Dictionaries Online